related references King Charles starts up 7 AI summits after US AI Exec Order 30 October 2023 - see Bletcley Nvidioa Santa Clara Charles' Korea Nvidia taipei Nviodia DC Nvidia Mumbai (nov 13 Nvidia Tokyo) King Charles & Macron Paris AI Olympics (Feb 2025 with relay to Milan Olympics 2026 & LA 2028);
wherefore art though AI20sveryGood? wasjington DC with L'Enfant
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code 1 fast forward to around 2000- by now we had million times more compute capacity from mores law chips; personal computer networking was at its peak; we were about to see 2g text mobiles -
fgast foward to 2016 ; now data was potentially streaming between every coortdinate on the planet; wen were using mobile devices -(actually 4th codig was also being born - elon nmuskl saw nvidia's first deep learning chip - jensen huang had met fei-fei li and demis assiabis in 2009; decided to bet everything nvidia did obn what ai needed; his bet proved valid in 2012 when alex net proved that phd research of both hassabis and fei-fei li was correct - machines could learn if you gave them enough data and iteration and relevant pretraining algoirth and patterns
HLH have fufiled what the NEt first breiefed economist journalist on in 1951 that being neumann einstein tiuring who all knew of neural netwo9rks. Theior gift to humanity6 after saving the world from hitelrt winning teh atom, bomb race was engines for computing and engines for autonomous mapping services whoise real tiem data exchnage is beyond manual mediation
so how dfoes this all relate to human development - ending systemic poverty and humanity's deepest gpaslsd
i prefer to see the un goals like ann alphabet - gpals 1-5 are m,imi,u,,ms anmy connuimnnt needs to grow families and kids - we could recall thais as SHE(L)FF where i have numberedf goals and ll is leadership capacity of all of us
WE goals 6,7 Watre and (renewable) energy also shape any communi9ty's development but needed to chnage over to green some time before we became 8 billion people- there was enough data on this to convince nixon in 1070s it was time to go beyond cunlimited cartbon use
- what did Youth livelihods need to be for 4 billion millennials if (goal 8) mapped going green and what I see as POLI**$CY
in other words hoals 4 are aboout colaboration platforms internmets m infrasytructures etc
golas 16,14,15,13 spell POLC Peace Ocean Land Climate
Back in 1936 econmist whp read Keynes Gneral Theory saw 2 things
next generations futyuresd were expoenetially locked in but what handful of economic monetary systems were legislate by places; economists models had failed to keep ahead of engineering tranportation, te;ecoms, electricuty/infrastructure - that failure root causewd 2 world wars- keynes proposed if humans survuied those 2 wars leaders needed to keep quetioning next intelligence ahead f engineering- ultimately the philosophical purpoe /hippo cratic oath of economist meeded to be end structiral povery of the wort that empires has so far spun
abedmoo looks at a miracle achieved by 1 billin girls the porest quarter of gorls (as rooted in today's 4 boillion gorls and what theitr billin male [artenrs linjedin to. Back in 1964 asnnuch as half the world's people had no access to e;lectricity grids but thiose in asia were also only just mering with independence = or in bangladesh case where teh worlds 7th largest population was cut off by hostile neighbors, the war of independence began with a cyclone that kiled half a milion- if you read this ppst in fall 2024 then bangladesh is designing bangla 2.0 with mukhammad yunus and it appears every nation needs to benchmark gov2.0
Dad norman macrae was the economist journalist charged with interviewing globalising leaders on the net's assumpions of what to celebrate with computing and going autonpmosl agter 39 yeras of doing thsi he and i co-authored 2025report in 1982- dad wanted to makle the 1980s his last decade of producing weekly articles; and to finsh off von neumann biography in the early 90s; uinfortuantley whilst 2025 report gptn the timing of the comding chalenges more or less coorect, wester media has done teh exact opposite of helping tecahersd and studenst transform ahoead of what coding is shaping- we will get dar worse than 2 world wars as the leagacy that 3 generatyions grand parents parents millennials interact unless we all help each other see why going green is god; why damily empowered communities are essentials; what bodreless chalenge I**4 requored collaboration mapping tpo offer; and what those who understand deep learning can advance akk 8 billion humans intelligence around if we want milennaisl to be the first trenewble generation
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