Bamgladesh offerrs best intelligence wwe have seen for sdgs 5 through 1 up to 2008, Search eg 4 1 oldest edu 4.6 newest edu ; .620th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Thursday, April 29, 2021

4.4 world's first masters in early child playschool 4.5 - first new to world focus of brac university

 4.4 from 1972 abed had built 5.1 metavillage  15000 homes for 100000 refugees which became a lab for designing livelihood microfranchises for poorest village mothers so they could make positive income while urgently saving the community - eg 2.1 rice production to end starvation; action-learning of basic infant health services to stop children from dying before age of 5 -most did when bangladesh's new and 8th most populous nation was founded -due to being the world's poorest nation, 90% without access to electricity, in the tropics

29 years later when abed opened a university, one question to ask : what could the university invent that would change world of billion poorest mothers? the university as a collab for innovation is potentially totally different than a metavillage of 100000 people living without electricity - the village space that the first 25 years of abed's 50 years of linking partners to end poverty

one idea may sound counter-intuitive for such a higher ed platfor,- early childhood playschools ECP- brac university became the first university in the world to offer an ecp masters; the result ecp became a 2010s movement - the world bank now claims 50 nations experimenting with this

whilst not every nation may design ecp the way abed does; everyone who gets involved with ecp's global movement knows abed's local advice- design playschool in which children see teacher lovers them - that's how children first learn most at school

it helps that lego has become a huge corporate sponsor; and the yidan prize was awarded to abed for ecp but has since be inspired by him to start a luminaries council- where every different jigsaw piece of education where children are loved is discussed across disciplines age groups between those wizards in edutech (yidan co-founded china's largest tech company tencent0 and those teachers whose love is experienced every second at school

Web results

The LEGO Idea Conference 2021 More information to come. Sir Fazle Hasan Abed. Winner 2018. Awarded for his tireless efforts to positively impact the lives of ...

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


BRAC University and U.S. Embassy announces hosting Fulbright program, Academy for Women Entrepreneurs

Publish Date: 
May 26th, 2022

BRAC University on 25 May, 2022 announced its partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka on the resumption of the U.S. Fulbright program in Bangladesh after six-years. The university also made public its collaboration in launching an “Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)”, a Department of State global initiative to promote small and medium enterprises (SME), foster local women entrepreneurs, especially from underprivileged backgrounds, and overall promote gender equality and equity.

The announcements were made at an event titled “Celebrating Fulbright and Entrepreneurship Collaboration between BRAC University and US Embassy Dhaka” at the BRAC University auditorium. U.S. Ambassador to Bangladesh Peter Haas, Dr. Sharon Hart, US Fulbright Specialist, Tamara Hasan Abed, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of BRAC University, Professor Vincent Chang, Vice-Chancellor of BRAC University, Dr Sang Lee, Dean of BRAC Business School (BBS), Professor Matin Saad Abdullah, Senior Technology Adviser of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) of BRAC University, and Professor Mohammad Mujibul Haque Associate Dean of the BRAC Business School, spoke at the event.

The Fulbright program is one of United States’ flagship exchange programs that strengthens and expands people-to-people ties and educational linkages between the United States and Bangladesh. More than 4,000 State Department Exchange program alumni, including 650 Bangladeshis, travelled to the United States under the Fulbright exchange programs and more than 250 Americans have conducted research and/or taught in Bangladesh. The Women Empowerment Center of BRAC University’s BBS is hosting Dr. Sharon Hart, the first Fulbright Specialist. She will be staying for six weeks helping to develop a curriculum for women entrepreneurship and leadership training, design research questions on gender and women economic empowerment issues and build the capacity to conduct workshops for researchers and the BBS faculty members.

The AWE program gives enterprising women the knowledge, networks and access they need to launch and scale successful businesses. This is the first time a Bangladeshi university will be conducting such a program through which 50 women entrepreneurs will have access to mentorship opportunity with successful business owners as trainees to understand the practical challenges on the ground. This AWE project directly supports the U.S. National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality.

Dr Sang Lee said the joint efforts would have long-lasting snowballing effects to solidify commitments for quality education. He said Dr Sharon Hart had already started contributing through the establishment of the Women Empowerment Centre at the BBS. The centre would work on upskilling and reskilling women entrepreneurs and leaders in Bangladesh with support of corporate partners and evidence-based research on best practices, he added. He said the AWE program would be run at the CED.

Thanking the US Embassy Dhaka for its continuous collaboration with BRAC University, Professor Vincent Chang said the developments were a part of three components which BRAC University was focusing on -- international engagement and collaborations, student centred initiatives and research with impact. BRAC University has been connecting with networks of hundreds of universities worldwide and in exchange and cooperation with universities in the US, UK and soon Tokyo, which are all the first of its kind in Bangladesh, he said. The government feedback has been to find good international partners and BRAC University is the only

private university in a steering committee on the fourth industrial revolution of Bangladesh, said Professor Chang. “At international conferences, people always ask ‘What is your secret sauce?’. I say we do not have secret sauce. We simply did the right thing,” said the Vice-Chancellor. Professor Chang informed the university’s resilient response to Covid-19 and its growth even in this challenging time.

BRAC University champions excellence in higher education and recognizes the pivotal role the entrepreneurs play in creating not only a robust economy and adjust an inclusive society but collaborations among entrepreneurs of difference countries, deepen understanding among people and build ties among nations, said Tamara Hasan Abed. The inclusion of women entrepreneurs, especially small-enterprise owning women and grassroots women entrepreneurs, in the mainstream economy faces many challenges. World-class training programs create new hopes, bolstering their confidence and showing the way. To that end the AWE program will immensely benefit its target audience with BRAC University as the collaborating partner, she said.

Peter Haas said Bangladesh was going to become a middle-income country in a couple of years and the role of women in economic empowerment is very important. Therefore, it makes it all the more special to resume the Fulbright Program.

The program ended with Tamara Hasan Abed and Professor Vincent Chang presenting Peter Haas tokens of appreciation.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

4.4 vincent chang 2019

4.4 brac university was formed in 2001 .... 

imagine being asked to take over as vice chancellor of the most collaborative university in sdg world - abed's brac university in feb 2019-but before your first 12 months are complete sir fazle dies dec 2019 and covid closes down 2020 with bubbles expected for most of sustainability's last decade

meet vincent chang - do you have a 50 million scaling of sustainability to share

...and as for 2020 here is part of vincent's orientation speech

Monday, April 5, 2021

guni network 5.4 4.4

 Home » The Network » Members

United Nations University (UNU)

Founding Member
Year of foundation: 
United Nations University (UNU)


Institutional postal address: 
United Nations University Centre 5–53–70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925 Japan
Asia and The Pacific
Institutional phone: 
+81 3 5467-1212

Mision / Vision


The mission of the United Nations University is to contribute, through collaborative research and education, dissemination and advisory services, to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations, its Peoples and Member States. In doing so, UNU pays due attention to the social sciences and the humanities as well as the natural sciences.

In pursuing this mission, UNU plays a variety of roles, including:

  • functioning as a think tank for the United Nations system and for UN Member States by providing knowledge-based policy advice
  • acting as a bridge between the United Nations and the international academic community
  • serving as a platform for global and local dialogue and creative new ideas
  • contributing to capacity development efforts, particularly in developing countries.


UNU aspires to be a world-class international research, teaching and capacity development institution that addresses the needs of present and future generations to live a life in decency, in safety, in good health and in freedom. It endeavours to provide global leadership on aspects of peace, development and sustainability — including governance, gender equality, poverty reduction, global health, climate change, natural resources, energy and new technologies — with a special emphasis on collaboration between developed and developing countries, and to serve the United Nations and its Member States with state-of-the-art research and with the accumulated knowledge in these areas.

UNU seeks to be a widely recognized international graduate teaching and research institution known for:

  • strict adherence to rigorous scientific methods and tools
  • an emphasis on providing high-quality services and outputs
  • a focus on issues that impact sustainability
  • high ethical standards combined with academic freedom and autonomy (and commensurate accountability)
  • intellectual vitality and a spirit of cooperation, collegiality and community
  • equity and openness in access to opportunities, work and outputs
  • strict adherence to the principles of gender balance
  • social responsibility and environmental sustainability in its own operations.


The UN University (UNU) will work systematically towards the realization of its vision by setting well-defined goals and taking specific measures to achieve these goals. These university-wide goals are organized into three categories:

  1. Enhancing core activities, including research, teaching and capacity 1. development, and dissemination and sharing of knowledge
  2. Strengthening communications and outreach
  3. Renewing structures and improving quality

Main activities

The overarching goal of the United Nations University is to contribute to global sustainable development — that is, development that will enable present generations of humankind to live their lives in decency, safety, good health and freedom without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. The University employs an interdisciplinary, problem-solving approach that encompasses not only the natural and physical science disciplines but also pays due attention to the insights of the social sciences and humanities.

Within the constraints of its human and financial resources, the UN University focuses on those areas in which it has the potential to make a real contribution and bring “additionality” to the effort. Among the major criteria that define the UN University’s fields of study and of teaching are:

  • the applicability and feasibility of a problem-focused, solution-oriented approach;
  • the relevance of the topic to the work and concerns of the United Nations and/or to the challenges facing the developing world;
  • the extent to which the nature and impact of the problem are global in scope, and the degree of urgency;
  • the potential for achieving practical, replicable solutions and policies; and
  • the extent of interconnectedness with other relevant issues and problems.

As outlined in the United Nations University Strategic Plan 2009–2012, the activities of the UN University are focused within five interlinked, interdependent thematic clusters:

  1. Peace, security and Human Rights
  2. Human and Socioeconomic Development and Good Governance
  3. Global Health, Population and Sustainable Livelihoods
  4. Global Change and Sustainable Development
  5. Science, Technology, Innovation and Society.

Within the scope of these five thematic clusters, the UN University undertakes:


1. Research and Study.

  • Cross-cultural, interdisciplinary research focused on the needs of practitioners, the UN and its Member States, and the developing world
  • Targeted foresight and policy studies leading to the development of policy-relevant prescriptions


2.Teaching and Capacity Development.

  • Postgraduate-level training courses and workshops, and (from autumn 2010) master’s and doctoral degree programmes
  • Assistance to developing and transitional countries for the enhancement of local human and institutional capacity


3. Knowledge Sharing and Transfer

  • The delivery of relevant scientific and best-practice information, in a timely manner and in a useful and usable form, to those who most need it and can best utilize it.

Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa UniversityAbubakar Tafawa Balewa UniversityAfricaNIGERIAHE Institution
Academy of Mobility Humanities - Konkuk UniversityAsia and The PacificSOUTH KOREAResearch Center on HE
Adekunle Ajasin University Akunaba-AkokoAdekunle Ajasin University Akunaba-AkokoAfricaNIGERIAHE Institution
Conseil Africain et Malgache pour l'Enseignement SupérieurAfrican and Malagasy Council for Higher EducationAfricaBURKINA FASOHE Network
Jamiat Al-Imam Al-Ouzai -  The Warkf of the Islamic Center for EducationAl-Imam Al-Ouzai University - The Warkf of the Islamic Center for EducationArab StatesLEBANONHE Institution
Asociación Mexicana de Educación Continua (AMECYD)AMECYD Technical DepartmentLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Network
American International University-BangladeshAmerican International University-BangladeshAsia and The PacificBANGLADESHHE Institution
Arab Open UniversityArab Open UniversityArab StatesKUWAITHE Institution
Arizona State UniversityArizona State UniversityNorth AmericaUNITED STATESHE Institution
Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Instituciones Públicas de Educación SuperiorAsociación Nacional de Abogados de Instituciones Públicas de Educación Superior (ANAIPES)Latin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Network
Assam UniversityAssam UniversityAsia and The PacificINDIAHE Institution
Asociación de Universidades Amazónicas (UNAMAZ)Association of Amazonian UniversitiesLatin America and CaribbeanBRAZILHE Network
Association of Indian UniversitiesAssociation of Indian UniversitiesAsia and The PacificINDIAHE Network
Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM)Association of Universities Grupo Montevideo (AUGM)Latin America and CaribbeanURUGUAYHE Network
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad JuárezAutonomous University of Ciudad JuárezLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Institution
Universidad Autónoma de SinaloaAutonomous University of SinaloaNorth AmericaMEXICOHE Institution
Universidad Autónoma de YucatánAutonomous University of YucatánLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Institution
Universitatea Babeş-BolyaiBabeş-Bolyai UniversityEuropeROMANIAHE Institution
Bahir Dar UniversityAfricaETHIOPIAHE Institution
Bayero UniversityBayero UniversityAfricaNIGERIAHE Institution

Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim TankBelarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim TankEuropeBELARUSResearch Center on HE
Cape Breton University (CBU)Cape Breton UniversityNorth AmericaCANADAHE Institution
Catholic University of CuencaCatholic University of CuencaLatin America and CaribbeanECUADORHE Institution
Center for Cross Curricular Initiatives - Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network (TEESNet)EuropeUNITED KINGDOMResearch Center on HE
Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo (CENDES)Center for Development Studies (CENDES)Latin America and CaribbeanVENEZUELAResearch Center on HE
Center for Higher Education Research and DevelopmentCenter for Higher Education Research and DevelopmentNorth AmericaCANADAResearch Center on HE
UNESCO Chair in Institutional Research and Higher Education PolicyCenter for Public Policy, and Department of PhilosophyEuropePOLANDUNESCO Chair in HE
Centro de Língua Portuguesa - Instituto Camões em BarcelonaCenter of Portuguese Language - Camoes Institute in BarcelonaEuropeSPAINOther
Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo (CINDA)Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo (CINDA)Latin America and CaribbeanCHILEHE Network
Chalmers UNESCO chair in ESDEuropeSWEDENUNESCO Chair in HE
Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD)AfricaSENEGALHE Institution
จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัยChulalongkorn UniversityAsia and The PacificTHAILANDHE Institution
Asociación Colombiana de Universidades ASCUNColombian Association of UniversitiesLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE Network
Universidad Cooperativa de ColombiaColombian Cooperative UniversityLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE Institution
Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas (CRUE)Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE)EuropeSPAINHE Network
Consorcio para la Colaboración de la Educación Superior en América del Norte (CONAHEC)Consortium for North American Higher Education CollaborationNorth AmericaUNITED STATESHE Network
Fundación CYD - Fundación Conocimiento y DesarrolloCYD - Knowledge and Development FoundationEuropeSPAINResearch Center on HE
Daffodil International UniversityAsia and The PacificBANGLADESHHE Institution
Dalhousie UniversityNorth AmericaCANADAHE Institution
De La Salle PhilippinesDe La Salle PhilippinesAsia and The PacificPHILIPPINESHE Network
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
Devi Ahilya UniversityAsia and The PacificINDIAHE Institution
Instituto Profesional DuocUCDuocUC Professional InstituteLatin America and CaribbeanCHILEHE Institution
EAE Escuela de Administración de EmpresasEAE Business SchoolEuropeSPAINHE Institution
Universidade Eduardo MondlaneEduardo Mondlane UniversityAfricaMOZAMBIQUEHE Institution
Educational and Counselling Psychology and Center for University Teaching and LearningNorth AmericaCANADAResearch Center on HE
Escuela Normal Miguel F. Martinez Centenaria y BenemeritaEscuela Normal Miguel F. Martinez Centenaria y BenemeritaLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Institution
Eurasia International UniversityEuropeARMENIAHE Institution
Evaluation and Accreditation Commission in SudanArab StatesSUDANOther
Universidad Externado de ColombiaExternado University of ColombiaLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE Institution
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (Poznan University of Life Sciences)EuropePOLANDHE Institution
Faculty of Engineering of the Tanta UniversityFaculty of Engineering of the Tanta UniversityArab StatesEGYPTHE Institution
Faculté de psychologie et sciences de l'éducationFaculty of Psychology and Education SciencesEuropeBELGIUMHE Institution
Faculteit Techniek, Bestuur en Management (TBM)Faculty of Technology, Policy and ManagementEuropeNETHERLANDSHE Institution
Famimundo InstituteLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Network
Federal University in Technology AKUREAfricaNIGERIAHE Institution
Universidade Federal do ParanáFederal University of ParanaLatin America and CaribbeanBRAZILHE Institution
Federal University of Rio Grande do SulLatin America and CaribbeanBRAZILHE Institution
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSO MéxicoFLACSO MexicoLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Institution
Fortec Training and TechnologyEuropeSPAINHE Institution
Universidad Francisco de VitoriaFrancisco de Vitoria UniversityEuropeSPAINHE Institution
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
Francisco José de Caldas UniversityLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE Institution
Franklin College SwitzerlandEuropeSWITZERLANDHE Institution
Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova (ULIM)Free International University of Moldova/Universite Libre Internationale de MoldovaEuropeMOLDOVAHE Institution
Hochschule FuldaFulda University of Applied SciencesEuropeGERMANYHE Institution
Universitat de GironaGirona UniversityEuropeSPAINHE Institution
Graduate School of Human SciencesGraduate School of Human SciencesAsia and The PacificJAPANResearch Center on HE
Gulu UniversityGulu UniversityAfricaUGANDAHE Institution
Hebron UniversityArab StatesPALESTINIAN TERRITORYHE Institution
Honors Center for Italian University H2CUEuropeITALYOther
Hormuud UniversityAfricaSOMALIAHE Institution
Humanities/Art/Technology Research Center at Adam Mickiewicz UniversityEuropePOLANDResearch Center on HE
Igbinedion University OkadaIgbinedion University OkadaAfricaNIGERIAHE Institution
Universidad Industrial de SantanderIndustrial University of SantanderLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE Institution
Institute for Research in the Sociology and Economics of EducationEuropeFRANCEResearch Center on HE
Institute of Development StudiesInstitute of Development StudiesEuropeUNITED KINGDOMHE Institution
International Burch UniversityEuropeBOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAHE Institution
International Culture UniversityInternational Culture UniversityAsia and The PacificBANGLADESHHE Institution
Fédération Internationale des Universités Catholiques (FIUC)International Federation of Catholic UniversitiesEuropeFRANCEHE Network
International Institute for Higher Education Research and Capacity BuildingAsia and The PacificINDIAResearch Center on HE
International Medical University (IMU)Asia and The PacificMALAYSIAHE Institution
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)EuropeNETHERLANDSHE Network
Universidad Internacional de AndalucíaInternational University of AndalucíaEuropeSPAINHE Institution
Islamic University in UgandaIslamic University in UgandaAfricaUGANDAHE Institution
Jigjiga UniversityAfricaETHIOPIAHE Institution
Jimma UniversityJimma UniversityAfricaETHIOPIAHE Institution
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and TechnologyAfricaKENYAHE Institution
Kazakh National Pedagogical Univerity named after AbaiAsia and The PacificKAZAKHSTANHE Institution
Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML)EuropeRUSSIAHE Institution
Kharkiv National University of Internal AffairsKharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (KhNUIA)EuropeUKRAINEHE Institution
King George´s Medical University (KGMU)King George´s Medical University (KGMU)Asia and The PacificINDIAHE Institution
Kingston UniversityKingston UniversityEuropeUNITED KINGDOMHE Institution
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and TechnologyKwame Nkrumah University of Science and TechnologyAfricaGHANAHE Institution
Universidad Nacional de La MatanzaLa Matanza National UniversityLatin America and CaribbeanARGENTINAHE Institution
Laica University Vicente de Rocafuerte de GuayaquilLatin America and CaribbeanECUADORHE Institution
Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuela de Administración CLADEALatin American Council of Management Schools CLADEALatin America and CaribbeanPERUHE Network
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSO - EcuadorLatin American Faculty of Social Sciences FLACSO - EcuadorLatin America and CaribbeanECUADORHE Institution
บมหาวิทยาลัยมหิดลMahidol UniversityAsia and The PacificTHAILANDHE Institution
Makerere UniversityAfricaUGANDAHE Institution
Universiti Sains MalaysiaMalaysia Science UniversityAsia and The PacificMALAYSIAHE Institution
Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC)Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC)AfricaUGANDAResearch Center on HE
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
Manipal Academy of Higher EducationManipal Academy of Higher EducationAsia and The PacificINDIAHE Institution
Maria Cano University FoundationLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE Institution
Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior de la República Mexicana (ANUIES)Mexican National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES)Latin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Network
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture UmudikeAfricaNIGERIAHE Institution
Modern University for Bussiness and Sciences (MUBS)Arab StatesLEBANONHE Institution
Московский институт государственного управления и праваMoscow Institute of State Management and LawEuropeRUSSIAHE Institution
Mykolo Romerio UniversitetasMykolas Romeris UniversityEuropeLITHUANIAHE Institution
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN)National Polytechnic InstituteLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Institution
National University of EducationLatin America and CaribbeanECUADORHE Institution
National University of LesothoAfricaLESOTHOHE Institution
Universiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaNational University of MalaysiaAsia and The PacificMALAYSIAHE Institution
Монгол улсын их сургуульNational University of MongoliaAsia and The PacificMONGOLIAHE Institution
Universidad Nacional del NordesteNational University of the NortheastLatin America and CaribbeanARGENTINAHE Institution
Nile Valley UniversityArab StatesSUDANHE Institution
Office of Community Based ResearchOffice of Community Based ResearchNorth AmericaCANADA
Universitat Oberta de CatalunyaOpen University of CataloniaEuropeSPAINHE Institution
Orkestra-Basque Institute of CompetitivenessEuropeSPAINResearch Center on HE
Palestine Polythecnic UniversityPalestine Polytechnic UniversityArab StatesPALESTINIAN TERRITORYHE Institution
People’s UniversityAsia and The PacificINDIAHE Institution
Instituto Politécnico de LeiriaPolytechnic Institute of LeiriaEuropePORTUGALHE Institution
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
Polytechnic Salesian University of EcuadorLatin America and CaribbeanECUADORHE Institution
Polytechnic University of Catalonia-BarcelonaTech (UPC)EuropeSPAINHE Institution
Pompeu Fabra UniversityPompeu Fabra UniversityEuropeSPAINHE Institution
Pontifica Universidad JaverianaPontifical Javeriana UniversityLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE Institution
Universidad Nacional de Tres de FebreroPosgraduate Department of University of February 3rdLatin America and CaribbeanARGENTINAHE Institution
Universidad Privada BolivianaPrivate University of BoliviaLatin America and CaribbeanBOLIVIAHE Institution
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda UniversityRamakrishna Mission Vivekananda UniversityAsia and The PacificINDIAHE Institution
Jamiaat Albahr AlahmerRed Sea UniversityArab StatesSUDANHE Institution
Rey Juan Carlos UniversityEuropeSPAINHE Institution
Universidad del RosarioRosario UniversityLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE Institution
Российский Государственный Гуманитарный УниверситетRussian State University for the HumanitiesEuropeRUSSIAHE Institution
Саратовский государственный технический университет (СГТУ)Saratov State Technical University (SSTU)EuropeRUSSIAHE Institution
Seoul National UniversityAsia and The PacificSOUTH KOREAHE Institution
มหาวิทยาลัยสยามSiam UniversityAsia and The PacificTHAILANDHE Institution
Universidad Simon BolivarSimon Bolivar UniversityLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE Institution
Strathmore UniversityStrathmore UniversityAfricaKENYAHE Institution
Thamar UniversityThamar UniversityArab StatesYEMENHE Institution
The American University of KuwaitArab StatesKUWAITHE Institution
The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher LearningThe Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher LearningAsia and The PacificTHAILANDHE Network
The Department of Teaching Staff TrainingEuropeROMANIAHE Institution
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypologyThe National College of Medical and Technical StudiesThe National College of Medical and Technical StudiesArab StatesSUDANHE InstitutionComisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria (CONEAU)The National Commission for University Evaluation and AccreditationLatin America and CaribbeanARGENTINAOtherThe State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel SurabayaThe State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel SurabayaAsia and The PacificINDONESIAHE InstitutionThe University of ValenciaEuropeSPAINHE InstitutionUNESCOEuropeFRANCEFounding MemberКафедра ЮНЕСКО по педагогическим наукамUNESCO Chair for Pedagogical SciencesEuropeRUSSIAUNESCO Chair in HEUNESCO Chair for Problembases ret LaeringUNESCO Chair for Problem Based Learning in Engineering EducationEuropeDENMARKUNESCO Chair in HEUNESCO Chair Hochschulbildung für nachhaltige EntwicklungUNESCO Chair Higher Education for Sustainable DevelopmentEuropeGERMANYUNESCO Chair in HECátedra UNESCO de Pensamiento Universitario LatinoamericanoUNESCO Chair in Academic Thinking in Latin AmericaLatin America and CaribbeanVENEZUELAUNESCO Chair in HEUNESCO Chair in Applied Research in EducationUNESCO Chair in Applied Research in EducationArab StatesUNITED ARAB EMIRATESUNESCO Chair in HEUNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social ResponsibilityNorth AmericaCANADAUNESCO Chair in HEUNESCO Chair in Comparative Higher EducationUNESCO Chair in Comparative Higher EducationLatin America and CaribbeanVENEZUELAUNESCO Chair in HECátedra UNESCO de Políticas y Sistemas Comparados de Educación SuperiorUNESCO Chair in Comparative Higher Education Policies and SystemsLatin America and CaribbeanCHILEUNESCO Chair in HEUNESCO Chair in Culture of Peace and DemocracyEuropeBELARUSUNESCO Chair in HEChaire UNESCO de développement curriculaireUNESCO Chair in Curriculum DevelopmentNorth AmericaCANADAUNESCO Chair in HEUNESCO Chair in Development of Education Research and Institutional BuildingUNESCO Chair in Development of Education Research and Institutional BuildingEuropeSERBIAUNESCO Chair in HECatedra UNESCO de Educación a DistanciaUNESCO Chair in Distance EducationEuropeSPAINUNESCO Chair in HECátedra UNESCO de Educación para la PazUNESCO Chair in Education for PeaceLatin America and CaribbeanVENEZUELAUNESCO Chair in HEUNESCO chair in Education for Sustainable DevelopmentUNESCO chair in Education for Sustainable DevelopmentEuropeSWEDENUNESCO Chair in HEUNESCO Chair in Education Planning and ManagementUNESCO Chair in Education Planning and ManagementEuropeARMENIAUNESCO Chair in HE
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
Cátedra UNESCO de Ciencias de la EducaciónUNESCO Chair in Education sciencesLatin America and CaribbeanCUBAUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Educational Policy, Planning, Management and Research DevelopmentUNESCO Chair in Educational Policy, Planning, Management and Research DevelopmentAfricaUGANDAUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Educational TechnologiesUNESCO Chair in Educational TechnologiesLatin America and CaribbeanBARBADOSUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Eurasian Studies, Cultural Diversity and Cultural PoliciesEuropeRUSSIAUNESCO Chair in HE
Chaire-UNESCO Evaluation de l'enseignement supérieur en AlgérieUNESCO Chair in Evaluation of Higher Education in AlgeriaArab StatesALGERIAUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher EducationUNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher EducationEuropeCROATIAUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher EducationEuropeSERBIAUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher EducationUNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher EducationEuropeROMANIAUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Higher EducationUNESCO Chair in Higher EducationAsia and The PacificCHINAUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO de Educación SuperiorUNESCO Chair in Higher EducationLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO de de gestión innovación y colaboración en educación superiorUNESCO Chair in Higher EducationLatin America and CaribbeanPUERTO RICOUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Higher EducationUNESCO Chair in Higher EducationAfricaMAURITIUSUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO de gestión de la educación superiorUNESCO Chair in Higher Education ManagementLatin America and CaribbeanARGENTINAUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Docencia UniversitariaUNESCO Chair in Higher Education ManagementLatin America and CaribbeanCUBAUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO de Dirección UniversitariaUNESCO Chair in Higher Education ManagementEuropeSPAINUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Higher Education ManagementUNESCO Chair in Higher Education ManagementEuropeUNITED KINGDOMUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Higher Education Management and PolicyUNESCO Chair in Higher Education Management and PolicyEuropeSPAINUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO Innovación y gestión de la cultura emprendedora en el marco universitarioUNESCO Chair in innovation and management of the entrepreneurial culture within the university frameworkEuropeSPAINUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Innovative and Information Technologies in Higher Professional EducationUNESCO Chair in Innovative and Information Technologies in Higher Professional EducationEuropeRUSSIAUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Management, Planning, and Quality Assurance in HEUNESCO Chair in Management, Planning, and Quality Assurance in HEAsia and The PacificIRANUNESCO Chair in HE
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
UNESCO Chair in Open and Distance LearningUNESCO Chair in Open and Distance LearningAfricaSOUTH AFRICAUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Policies of Higher EducationUNESCO Chair in Policies of Higher EducationEuropeRUSSIAUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Political Economy of EducationUNESCO Chair in Political Economy of EducationEuropeUNITED KINGDOMUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher EducationUNESCO Chair in Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher EducationEuropeRUSSIAUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO de aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior transnacionalUNESCO Chair in Quality Assurance of Transnational Higher EducationLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Quality Management of Higher Education and Lifelong LearningUNESCO Chair in Quality Management of Higher Education and Lifelong LearningEuropeROMANIAUNESCO Chair in HE
Katedra UNESCO Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w OlsztynieUNESCO Chair in Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education under the Conditions of Systemic Social and Economic Transformations.EuropePOLANDUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Research Management and Innovation SystemsUNESCO Chair in Research Management and Innovation SystemsEuropeSWEDENUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Science Education for Latin America and the CaribbeanUNESCO Chair in Science Education for Latin America and the CaribbeanEuropeSPAINUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO Chair in Technical Higher Education, Applied Systems Analysis and InformaticsUNESCO Chair in Technical Higher Education, Applied Systems Analysis and InformaticsEuropeUKRAINEUNESCO Chair in HE
Кафедра ЮНЕСКО по университетскому управлению и планированиюUNESCO Chair in University Management and PlanningEuropeRUSSIAUNESCO Chair in HE
Кафедра ЮНЕСКО Інформаційні та комунікаційні технології в освітіUNESCO Chair of Information and Communication Technologies in EducationEuropeUKRAINEUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO de Inclusión en Educación SuperiorUNESCO Chair on inclusion in higher educationLatin America and CaribbeanCHILEUNESCO Chair in HE
Армянский государственный педагогический университет им. Х. АбовянаUNESCO chair on Post-Graduate and Lifelong Education. Armenian State Pedagogical UniversityEuropeARMENIAUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO de integración nacional y UniversidadUNESCO Chair on Regional Integration and UniversityLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in AfricaUNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in AfricaAfricaETHIOPIAResearch Center on HE
UNESCO-EOLSS Chair in Intellectual Entrepreneurship  in the World of Work for Sustainable DevelopmentUNESCO-EOLSS Chair in Intellectual Entrepreneurship in the World of Work for Sustainable DevelopmentEuropePOLANDUNESCO Chair in HE
UNESCO-UNU Chair in Leadership StudiesUNESCO-UNU Chair in Leadership StudiesArab StatesJORDANUNESCO Chair in HE
Cátedra UNESCO-UNU móbil en Historia y Futuro de la UniversidadUNESCO-UNU Mobile Chair in University History and FutureNorth AmericaUNITED STATESUNESCO Chair in HE
United Nations University (UNU)Asia and The PacificJAPANFounding Member
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
UNITWIN Network on Achieving the Education for all GoalsUNITWIN Network on Achieving the Education for all GoalsEuropeRUSSIAHE Network
Universidad Autónoma de AguascalientesUniversidad Autónoma de AguascalientesLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Institution
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California UABCUniversidad Autónoma de Baja CaliforniaLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Institution
Universidad Católica de TemucoUniversidad Católica de TemucoLatin America and CaribbeanCHILEHE Institution
Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN)Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN)Latin America and CaribbeanCHILEHE Institution
Universidad los Ángeles ChimboteUniversidad los Ángeles ChimboteLatin America and CaribbeanPERUHE Institution
Universidad NacionalUniversidad NacionalLatin America and CaribbeanCOSTA RICAHE Institution
Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (UPSA)Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (UPSA)Latin America and CaribbeanBOLIVIAHE Institution
Universidad San Ignacio de LoyolaUniversidad San Ignacio de LoyolaLatin America and CaribbeanPERUHE Institution
Université de SherbrookeUniversité de SherbrookeNorth AmericaCANADAHE Institution
Universities of Applied Sciences Netherlands (UASNL)EuropeBELGIUMHE Network
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas  (UAT)University Autonomous of TamaulipasLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE Institution
University El Iman-El MahdiArab StatesSUDANHE Institution
University Eloy Alfaro de ManabíLatin America and CaribbeanECUADORHE Institution
University of ArizonaUniversity of ArizonaNorth AmericaUNITED STATESHE Institution
University of Bakht AlrudaUniversity of Bakht AlrudaArab StatesSUDANHE Institution
University of BalamandUniversity of BalamandArab StatesLEBANONHE Institution
University of BelizeUniversity of BelizeLatin America and CaribbeanBELIZEHE Institution
University of BrightonUniversity of BrightonEuropeUNITED KINGDOMHE Institution
University of CampinasLatin America and CaribbeanBRAZILHE Institution
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypologyUniversity of Cape Coast (UCC)AfricaGHANAHE InstitutionUniversity of FianarantsoaUniversity of FianarantsoaAfricaMADAGASCARHE InstitutionUniversity of GadarifArab StatesSUDANHE InstitutionUniversity of GloucestershireUniversity of GloucestershireEuropeUNITED KINGDOMHE InstitutionUniversidad de GuadalajaraUniversity of GuadalajaraLatin America and CaribbeanMEXICOHE InstitutionUniversity of GuayaquilLatin America and CaribbeanECUADORHE InstitutionUniversity of IlorinAfricaNIGERIAHE InstitutionUniversitas IndonesiaUniversity of IndonesiaAsia and The PacificINDONESIAHE InstitutionUniversity of International Integration of Afro Brasilian Lusophoni (UNILAB)Latin America and CaribbeanBRAZILHE InstitutionUniversity of JaenEuropeSPAINHE InstitutionUniversity of KalyaniUniversity of KalyaniAsia and The PacificINDIAHE InstitutionUniversity of KassalaUniversity of KassalaArab StatesSUDANHE InstitutionUniversitat de LleidaUniversity of LleidaEuropeSPAINHE InstitutionUniversity of MacerataEuropeITALYHE InstitutionUniversity of MagdalenaLatin America and CaribbeanCOLOMBIAHE InstitutionUniversity of Mato Grosso StateLatin America and CaribbeanBRAZILHE InstitutionUniversidad de MurciaUniversity of MurciaEuropeSPAINHE InstitutionUniversity of NyalaUniversity of NyalaArab StatesSUDANHE InstitutionUniversity of Port HarcourtAfricaNIGERIAHE InstitutionUniverzitet u SarajevuUniversity of SarajevoEuropeBOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAHE Institution
Institutionsort descendingRegionCountryTypology
University of ShendyUniversity of ShendyArab StatesSUDANHE Institution
University of Sierra LeoneAfricaSIERRA LEONEHE Institution
University of StirlingEuropeUNITED KINGDOMHE Institution
University of SwazilandAfricaSWAZILANDHE Institution
Universiti Teknology MalaysiaUniversity of Technology MalaysiaAsia and The PacificMALAYSIAHE Institution
University of the GambiaAfricaGAMBIAHE Institution
University of VicEuropeSPAINHE Institution
Zhejiang UniversityZhejiang UniversityAsia and The PacificCHINAHE Institution