In Fazle Abed's last decade: many of his biggest cooperation models were partnered out; what this means is if you want to learn the latest about how bkash is biggest cashless bank (population served; at one time partner bill gates implied a billion people might be served by this model) you need to contact its team that are not working in brac oggices; if however you want to study how bkash contributes within the total supply chain brac offers - suggest you conatct shameran abed at brac -also worth noting how the model evolves through different availability to customers from 2g to 5g; intially bkash absorbed all the expereince of kenya's 2g model with mpesa but soon some of its partners eg alipay tech teams were bringing mo
bkash lessons learned 2012-14 (video of Gates review of cashless banking for a billion unbanked) - special thanks to the brothers quadir who are in their 25th year of leapfroging (partnerships in mobile technology to end poverty)

bkash origins like kenya's mpesa (whose original coder is a director of the holding company of coders of bkash) is the text phone; you pay a mercant money for bkash points; those points can be redeemed with any other merchant- bkash chose many of the most trusted small merchants in vilagesd all over the nation; the application that bkash is used for first is remittances back to the vilage by family members working in teh city or even aboraod (about a third of bangaldesh's freign exchage comes from remittances)
all of teh above explains why bkash is relevant to any poor nation but there remaisn the question why didnt fin tech serve poorest within richer nations
xx my father's last article during subrpime year 2008 asked why no western bank competed to velue poor or even community sustainining finance-
you may call how tech enetered western banking with atms instead of needing to get cash from a bank clerk; the problem with that was banks stoped being community based - as a few national abnkis raced to deliver the atm tech ; worse banks needed a new model to keep their sdtall- issuing credit cards that put most customers in debt was the answer - those who are rich enough never to need credit get freebies from credit cards but in usa most people now have debts at 25% interest (the credit card rate); all the while the basisc costof physical paper records has gone down 10 folds
-so you can see the idea of fintech for community sdg goals is exactly the opposite of teh quasi monoply of western banking -
it turns out that from 1995 finytech and ecommerce multiplied each others impacts (with odd consequences - the web taht had been a space for sharing knowhow now got overtaken by trabscation webs) - in 1995 there was teh choice amazon made to be worlds largest stockist-delivery leader; asians chose a different rour=te for ecommerce to own the delivery alhgorith to maximsie livelihoods /sme supply chain connectivity ; it was thus natural for 4g sysetms up in china from 2008 to scale taobao/alipay as well as alibaba - potentially models maximiming livelihoods;alipay leapt ahead usig mobile camera to end the need for cards ; and in so doing it chose to amximis value between cistomers ad suppliersd (thus the 3% or so tav that bank cards charge in every digital transcation was redistributed mainly to the peoples)
however bkash
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