1996 BRACNET began second half of Abed's poverty alleviation by and for fenale empowerments - after 25 yeras of directly person to person networking solutions, now poorest asian women could value mobile and solar partners
Back In 1971 Bangladesh was born - 8th largest nation in population terms ; poorest; the peoples of the bay of bengal had drawn double short straw of colonisiation - by britain then (west) Pakistan; when people say 90% of the population was rural they meant without access to electricity grids;
so the world of partnerships in women empowerment changed around 1996 when both solar and mobile partners came to bangladesh- what woukd brac do with opportunities to leap from designing village womens productive collaborations from the era of no electricity and co connectivity to designing collaboration sdg networks with tech support?======================
FIRST THE RACE FOR NATIONAL VALUE CHAIN LEADERSHIP - brac wanted to retain markets it had designed to maximise inclusion of poorest through village mothers microfranchises
update can you imagine running a nation leading business without any sort of telephone line - oddly that was what most businessmen experienced as recently as 1990 in both bangladesh and china- with very small per cent of business addresses having a phone- even if a businessman had a phone relatively little could be done with it- it was seizing this opportunity of mobile which enabled brac to scale 14 nationwide leading enterprises from mid 1990s - all designed around wholesaling to the poor the best quality lowest cost of items needed to run their microfranchises- although bangladesh remains a poor country as it has no superport world trade access- countries which never had nationwide outlets until mobile /digital have uniquely common entrepreneurial revolutions that western countries with mature phone lines and brick intensive corporate assets cant fully imagine- so it turns out that western partners of brac internet get insights into digital asia and continental development that they might never otherwise see. This has particular relevance to questions like how deeply diverse is your ai model - and will you ever lead you sectirs climate innovations
5.3 bracnet
from 1996 abed started building virtual leapfrog partnerships for millions of women villagers thanks to internet silicon valley -bracnet case 5.3 since 1996 George Hara Founder at DEFTA Partners who also linkedin japans number 2 cell company
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