Bamgladesh offerrs best intelligence wwe have seen for sdgs 5 through 1 up to 2008, Search eg 4 1 oldest edu 4.6 newest edu ; .620th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Saturday, January 29, 2022

4.5 early childhood education

update may 2022 - anyone trying to bring playschools to usa- this is sort of post we arersahing across nextdoor communities SUMMARY WHY PLAYSHOOLS - 40 years ago i had a great job researching (indirectly for MIT) what 30 Asian nations peoples most wanted societies to develop- i started to find what we now call sustainability goals depend on family-community rising local services especially women empowerment networking; there's no earlier place for a family to start than playschools; ; I am talking about designing great value (loving caring schools) locally not just expensive playschools though there is no reason why not learn from what best paid teachers do ... here's an example from worldwide collaborations in celebrating playschools  -   -  In 2015, the Hult prize challenged teams to find solutions for the early childhood education gap (0–6 years old kids).[20] The winning team was IMPCT from the IMBA Program at National Chengchi University in Taiwan. The team developed PlayCare, a micro-equity platform, where everyone can invest in sustainable education businesses under a profit-sharing-model. The education businesses, like care centers in urban slums, supports also with educational efforts and increasing enrollment.[26] The team also named Ann Louie Li their Founding Ambassador, who pioneered the social media movement 'Creating an #IMPCT'.. Something i find odd about DC is world bank studies things like good playschools in dozens of countries but has no time to share with American communities. Meanwhile the supreme court seems to hate family empowerment. However we the parents can get on building playschools without these bureaucrats who seem to have given up all notions of serving community connectors just when the technology of AI depends on how deeply diverse the data is coded. Most days I am at Grand (20 story condo) by white flint if any playschool fan wants to drop by

Typically an Abed playschool 3-5 year olds connects 20 neighboring families (communally within walking distance of each other: before 6 child is literate, numerate, has enjoyed 3 years of loving care, in montessori style has become great teamworker
Over 50 countries now replicating- why not community build next door to you
2001 30 YEARS INTO FINDING PARTNERSHIPS TO SUSTAIN THE POOREST ASIAN VILLAGE WOMEN- Fazle Abed decided to take up Mrs Steve Jobs challenge - why cant women globally share in sdg 5-4-3-2-1 solutions you have helped billion poorest asian women to co-create. 

Abed's answer was to create brac university 4.4 ,  and to start creating masters that had never been offered before. 4.5 MA in early childhood education - started at brac university 16 years ago, this has become the most massive new education movement- the world bank catalogues over 100 projects and that's just in the developing world- while not everyone studies early childhood the way abed designed it - LEGO does, the world's number 1 education luminaries out of hong kong CELEBRATED BY TECH BILLIONNAIRE YIDAN do -

 why because abed specified that loveq was what mattered most  wherever playschools live up to a billion women and his legacy: joy, safety, collaboration confidence of the early child and the loving relationship with and by her teacher and the community- make sense? learn more on 4.5  - if machine intel is to help save us in 2020s from pandemics and climate we'll need todays youth to be the most loving, collaborative, refugee caring across borders ever born and bred
by 6 - ie before a child graduates from early childhood basic literacy and numeracy should be rights! ie teaching methois exist that can make sure of this as clarified eg at yidan prize 2021 with evidence supplied by the 2 nobel economics laureates 2019 duflo and banerji

as well as early childhood schools directly implementing fazle abed designs, and methods reviewed by yidan we recommend
wise recommends colombia's foundation luker

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