Is George Soros The World Record Jobs Creator ?
Soros foundations are a case uniquely worth because they have never suffered from one of the ailments of not for profit world which like government seems to absolve itself from the discipline of positive cashflow - see next right; very best cases of soros: **south africa seeding fight against apartheid-see far right **global fund helping jim/kim /farmer in middle of global fund early 2000 -see mid right and apparently its sad ending feb 2022 with death of paul farmer following covid and death of fazle abed leaving jim kim in boston in his mid 60s with (haiti rwanda) but only a charity ,model? **finding bangladesh women empowerment second time -ie partnerships with fazle abed finding bangladesh first time-more middle right ** the huge impact of being first to partner poorest villagers with mobile phones (below 1995 on) **the complicated partnership with gorbachev -middle **the call to unite graduates around the world who want to collaborate across alumni groups in their race to be the sustainability not the extinction generation what I love about all these things - they were worth a try -apparently soros didn't blame anyone as long as they tried their best with his money | Entrepreneurs advancing the human lot (according to 150 yeras of diaries the economist 1843-1990 - has happened when a founder of a solution people need has deigned a positive cash flow model round the purpose of maximising peoples affordable access. So if not for profits are about systems that fail to help communities entrepreneurially start up positive cash flow models to resolve communities sdg needs I am unsure what the purpose is. | WHITES WRONGS -even if you are a daispora sct- the curse of being a white european (less than one eight of the human race) is we did slave trade, genocide across the new world as well as gun fights in which texas became the operating system of the usa (oil power, enough gun power to force mexicans to sell the west coast) even as dc apparently mediated over laws, colonisation -britannia having first access to engines but being repelled by usa doubled up under the worst corporation the world has ever seen colo0nising south asia and closing china to world trade for over a century as the chinese sensibly declined to accept opium as a currency- the consequ7nece of the human wrongs was world war 2 - the un was birthed around 3 challenges - seeing the advanced economies kick start; outlasting stalin -sadly one od the 2 maddest men to rule would win world war 2 as they were on opposite sides; helping the 75% of people that white empires had left out of access to engineering as they grew their places (with independence); depending how you look at history 1945-1989 - human development did some amazingly positive things to the death of jf kennedy; it stopped doing anything but outlast the cold war; from the early 1980s as it was clear ussr was not sustainable soros did the decent thing of trying to help gorbachev and when he lost inside russia started the open society foundation with him and backed parallel networks situated on the boundary between rome and the vatican- particularly gorbachev chairing of the nobel peace laureate summit which shared the same secretariat as the green club of rome | I am aware that soros and jim kim and paul farmer found each other at start of 21st century; this was very good because between them bush's only totally positive impact emerged : global fund - by clarifying overlapping needs in fighting tb and aids global progress was made in combatting both of these diseases - the very best of this progress was wherever kim-farmer-soros also found brilliant bottom up health service networks; in many ways these continued what unicef's james grant had done; when they all found sir fazle abed (bangladesh woemn empowerment) as did bill gates this was one of the great leaps forward for humanity; peculiarly soros had also hugely helped bangladesh around 1995 though i have never seen his foundation take full credit for being first to invest in mobile ends poverty (help needed to understand)... | .I was at argubalky sors' hapiest moment reurning to his ciry of birth 2012- celebarting sir fazle abed as 20th open society laureate; paul farmer gace a side lecture; ceu university looked lik e a becaon for freedom - within a year of two budapest was flooded by refugees; the government5 turned right and against soros; eu joined in making it impossible for the university to keep its students both safe and free of speech - requiring a move to vienna whcich has ben slowed down by covid | Can anyone help me i understand soros first foundation intervention supported south african black youth end apartheid ; clearly that was on the correct side of history; as far as I know soros only claims a small part of that but it convinced him he could do good; |
Thursday, March 3, 2022
2.25 dreadful years for all who wanted to help soros connections
largest ngo partnership leader fazle abed died
depest health networker paul darmer4 died
and now putin 33 years on from gorbachev/coros co-founding open society and with club of rome nobel epace laureate summits and climate adptation
- can any future good connections of soros as america's biggest philantropist be saved
Monday, February 28, 2022
I aim to submit a paper next week to unesco's global university conference in barcelona though quite frankly i have more hope for the survey with non neumann's daughter AI Hall of fame - pilot stage 20 nominations from around the world of entrepreneurial revolution /technologists linked by johnny's gift of 100 time more tech per decade (aka moores law) of he was alive) would celebrate as pivotal to under 30s as first sustainability generation. This survey has particular challenges - eg is there a germanic group who accept this is the only way to outlast putin. It is a pity that soros central european university seems to have lost the freedom to be in the middle of this unless eg malloch brown has a plan that he has not yet launched. There is however a space in the hague that will likely determine whether abed alumni flourish in the 2020s. My understanding is (climate adaptability) has moved from vienna/ban ki-moon to the hague; and that those solutions abed designed for worldwide dissemination though university partners (particularly ultra poor but also core learning elements of pre-school) depend om brac international out of the hague (the dutrch royal family also supports both literacy and financial inclusion through un envoys roles but gordon brown does not seem to have integrated that in his special education envoy roles which have spintered into 2 hi-tech commissions and 2 low tech refugee movements neither of which connect with yidan or wise). Only the Hague can keep Abed practice open until or unless what drives brac out of dhaka is settled. There are people like Makoto who can apply asian consciousness movements like musician/arts for all (which could also have been botstein's legacy and indeed paulo freire community engagers being vatican university's hub, a few minutes walk from the secretariat of green club of rome and the gorbachev/soros annual nobel peace laureates summit, as well as origin of the clares - franciscan women have always been last mile health networkers) without needing to know that the abed half century of knowhow seems to be at a crossroads. If you pass through new york again , we search to maximise both arts/sports/fashion and von neumann ai hall of fame surveys - in the latter case through wall street people claiming ESG can change the world and un related friends who see sdgs as demanding Collabs around abed's non linear education friamework instead of the standarsied linear one (that can be seen to have enforced colonisation not smithian morality/commonwealth..)
Saturday, August 28, 2021
soros thanks
its not my place to try and understand all of soros foundations investments - i just wish to make note of movements he supported in extremely timely ways that hopefully all educators and sustainability loving parents would cheer even if not all of the goals are yet evidently orbiting the way nature will judge
soros first investment - supporting peaceful - eg mandela alumni end apartheid youth in s africa
debating 7 years ahead of fall of berlin wall smartest collaborations west would seek eg gorbachev as soon as wall fell
asking which youths side eu bureaucrats are on -ref pope francis hypothesis - none?!
1996 being first grantee of mobile phone partnerships to empower poorest women
supporting many women empowerment health networks especially end tuberculosis
surveying if any western or african universities want to join asias collaboration of 100 sdg universities
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
| |||||
Monday, May 4, 2020
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Friday, March 27, 2015
and in south african youth in 1978 and thence 16 years of mandela extranet partnerships started up in 1999,
and in gorbachev open society in 1992 and thence to Budapest and Rome being the last 2 chances of saving lost generations of youth fomte finacial tyrammies or berlin and basle and brussels now your
and oops second main investor in 1996 in farmer's and POP goes , and in BRAC coming to west africa and in helping last mile networkers end ebola- so we hope those who value soros as millennials greatest investors in jobseconomics also enjoy this review of advances in open learning generation
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Episode 1 water POP and 3rd anniversary of japan ambassador and sir fazle debate on elearning as only way back to millennials sustainability;11th anniversary since EU destroyed water angels network
Question to Dr Ranga
Until someone points me elsewhere I believe paul polak (see conversation tread below) is best solution connector to rachel rutos questions on water discussed by naila chowdhury and all the UN womens events of the last 2 weeks
he is also well connected through mit where abdul latif water lab is connection that mostofa and I have spent long time making with toyota and best of everything japan brings to development world
Is it viable to offer him one free video ad on yazmi - I mean all his solutions are massive bottom up so the borderline between ad and education (as in shelly's case) is positive anyhow
If we can start engaging him we can find out water he might also become a premier league education partner
30 march brac sir fazle abed celebrates with the first ever bangladeshi studies institute in the west - it will be hosted at UC Barclays san francisco campus- its an absolute priority to go film some content with brac that works on elearning channels- otherwise coursera will take over brac partnerships and we'll get locked out
Lecture | March 30 | 5:30-7 p.m. | Wheeler Hall, The Maude Fife Room, 315 Wheeler Hall | Note change in time
Speaker: Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, Bangladeshi Social worker, the founder and chairman of BRAC
Moderator: Ananya Roy, Professor of City and Regional Planning and Distinguished Chair in Global Poverty and Practice, University of California, Berkeley
Welcome Address by: Chancellor Nicholas Dirks, Chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley
Sponsors: Institute for South Asia Studies, Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies, Department of Sociology, Masters in Development Practice, UC Berkeley Graduate Division, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, UC Berkeley School of Public Health, Center of Evaluation for Global Action, University Relations, The Asia Foundation, Ahmed & Leena Badruzzaman
We are proud to announce that founder and chairman of BRAC, Sir Fazle Hasan Abed will inaugurate the Subir & Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies at UC Berkeley.
Established in 2013 with a generous gift from the Subir & Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies at UC Berkeley
currently I am borowing cousrera's wiki on water so if anyone has ideas on what else to search for please say
On 3/26/15, 6:50 PM, Paul Polak wrote:
Thank you Chris - We do feel that it will be a fit for Kenya as we continue to grow and prove out our concept in India. Please continue to follow us and our work as we continue to grow. We look forward to potential collaborations in the future
On 3/15/15, 1:39 PM, Chris Macrae wrote:
How would you test optimality of model in Kenya if capital is solvable and nation's leadership is wholly behind finding most sustainable model for poorest women empowerment
Are acumen still your representative for this in new york for kenya or who does Naila talk to. Naila worked over nearly 20 years as dr yunus first female director of grameen phone and now aims to link first ladies to best end poverty solution, The demand for finding best model of affordable water for poorest kenyan women comes from Kenya's second lady.
Your last mile design paul is extremely important - best I have seen with possible exception of someone like paul farmer who's focused on one professional area - so thats why I wouldnt have wanted kenya to miss your work if you feel it fits some regions of Kenya
On 3/15/15, 12:45 PM, Paul Polak wrote:
Hello -
Thank you for the question. We are first launching in India but hope to move to Kenya at some point in the next few years if possible as the model is developed and capital is raised. Thank you
On 3/14/15, 11:08 AM, Chris Macrae wrote:
is spring health best solution for clean water in any parts of kenya? if you have time pls reply -naila is rachels best friend in usa- question asked at conclusion of un women week yesterday
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
..Logo launching Atlanta's Yunus Creative Lab aiming to make twin capitals of jobs summit more popular to partner than the Olympics. | While the grameen brand was built out of Bangaldesh villages networks by muhammad yunus and pooerst vilage mothers from 1976, it largest owner is now Grameen phone, the ownership of grameen bank appears to have been re-regulated in 2010 by politicians and lawyers, most other Grameen brands were either founded directly by Yunus before 2005 or since the meeting in 2005 with Danone, HEC , Veolia, and Credit Agricole as global social business partnerships. Spome publicist platforms and funds have since 2010 used the Yunus name often with the sub-brand creative lab In some cases national brands of Grameen were founded with national agents - eg GrameenHealth and GrameenAmerica (bank) with Vidar Jorgennsen in USA. Around 1990, Yunus was asked by international friends to form Grameen Trust as a consultancy for foreign processes of microcredit staffed by Bangaldeshi consultants chosen by Yunus. Also the anerican journalist Alex Counts was given the opportunity to start Grameen Foundation for foriegn fundraising for microcredit around the time that microcreditsummit was launched in 1997. It is our understanding that Yunus no longer directly makes leadership decisions regarding Grameen Foundation Please help us with 2 listings
Sunday, November 9, 2014
In the 20th C Atlanta brand spent oh so much sponsorong sporting olympics- how about obs olympics in 2015 - 2 seminal events
May Dialogue on Youth Futures of Health Technology Education
November Youth and Yunus celebrate Nobel Peace Laureates Social Action networks with local lead hosts - Turner Family, Carter Family King Family
Sunday, August 3, 2014

In my attempt to explore week 3 videos: I would like to inquire what concept of service process the teacher has? Back in 1982 my father (Norman Macrae's end poverty) friends at The Economist noticed that the industrial age was no longer the main value driver of the bigger economies- human service was.
If millennials were to be sustainable ten we would need a gamechanger in auditing leadership from manufacturing things to service (alive and human) to knowledge multiplying value (were boundary collaboration /open design takes even economics above the constraints of zero sum thinking - first western thinker to trust on this in modern age orbit is Von Neumann)
So they surveyed intrapreneurship as a bottom-up way of designing service franchises. hoping it would become a curriculum from grade 5 up before elearning reached the tipping point of open learning campus
For a current example if a national airline was truly intrapreneurial its crew processes would be designed around what crews said they needed to be mutually socially emotionally intelligent day after day after day- not at all the same thing as an airline designed around maximising profit quarter after quarter after quarter. (Advanced questions on above from peer networks in Rome as one of youth's premier league of sustainability capitals: What did Pope Francis say at European Union Strasbourg last fall and what will he say to US Congress this september 24)
GT week 3 Question 2 after discussion with
1.0 20th C Theory of development - a process run between governments
2.1 Mobilised since 1996 Bangladesh among partners of womens empowerment ( initially Soros fund, Yunus women villagers networks, MIT open tech wizardry, norway's telenor infrastructure)
So i would also ask : are we free in this course to discuss the bottom-up mindset which considers how different 2.1 public service delivery in villager engagement is from the top-down processing of 1.1 citizen engagement in public service.
For gamechanging bottom-up and open system designs read anything on nature's evolutionary code or from jim kim or paul farmer or pope francis or the south american schools of Preferential Option Poor or Pedagogy of Oppressed or now being celebrated by 7th grade south african girls with ipad connections to the mandela extranet partners .
Example POP: 1-2-3 Value recursion grounded (started 34 years ago tanks to Paul Farrners Twinning of Boston and Haiti and community grounded Catholic vision across continent of americas (updated next week in panama )) if you start from service living wit the poorest, then not only 1) empowering them with service knowledge (eg up to 90% of staff at are former patients just as kenya's slum microcredit was founded around over 90% of staff being former youth clients), but 2) how to get out of any poverty traps and 3) celebrating with the millennials world how every advance in new technology can mobilse new value co-creation with the poorest. (Ultimately if economics saw its role as optimalising 7 billion human livelihoods the sustainability impacts would be huge.. )
Further references - 1982 The Economist and Gifford-PInchots: We are all Intrapreneurial Now
April 30th BRAC and University of Berkeley take studies of bangaldesh development designs to a new level
Last week at UN womens empowerment conference the Kenyan "second lady's" case of empowering joyful women villagers services through 5 billion person elearning satellite . Two weeks ago the same team asked about what is the world favorite replicable clean water franchise for the poorest. I did try to send that question to several of the designers of tgis course but ... beter luck on tuberculosis where shelly batra's world bank tedx talk is now prime time on te 5 billion persons elearning satellite in recogintion of last tuesday celebrations of TV day at the house of congress
Friday, January 10, 2014
- ER survey Peace1 To Naila Chowdhury Monica Yunus
- Taddy Blecher
- 44 More...

[1webs include blecher ; chowdhury ; foerster at ; javalquinto
Dad spent rest of his life debating how and why smart networking media could be the most collaborative innovation our human race ever connects around the planet- he started the curriculum of entrepreneurial revolution in The Economist. My fathers' last public celebration (birthday 85 occurred in 2008- the guest he was overjoyed to celebrate at the Royal Automobile Club in Saint James was Dr Muhammad Yunus. Anyway we love all job creating networks and brands- who do your ne(x)t generation vote for as number 1 collaboration brand of job creation. One of father's impudent mediation stories made the yunus party even more fun- back in the day he had helped elect the RAC's first female member (at the time london's most empowering womens journalist without the members fully knowing who'd they'd elected)
links to youth co-branding with yunus include YCL SfH W4E MOOCyunus rsvp
Tuesday, May 12, 1970
Thursday, March 12, 1970
Tuesday, March 3, 1970
Soros foundations are a case uniquely worth because they have never suffered from one of the ailments of not for profit world which like government seems to absolve itself from the discipline of positive cashflow - see next right; very best cases of soros: **south africa seeding fight against apartheid-see far right **global fund helping jim/kim /farmer in middle of global fund early 2000 -see mid right and apparently its sad ending feb 2022 with death of paul farmer following covid and death of fazle abed leaving jim kim in boston in his mid 60s with (haiti rwanda) but only a charity ,model? **finding bangladesh women empowerment second time -ie partnerships with fazle abed finding bangladesh first time-more middle right ** the huge impact of being first to partner poorest villagers with mobile phones (below 1995 on) **the complicated partnership with gorbachev -middle **the call to unite graduates around the world who want to collaborate across alumni groups in their race to be the sustainability not the extinction generation what I love about all these things - they were worth a try -apparently soros didn't blame anyone as long as they tried their best with his money | Entrepreneurs advancing the human lot (according to 150 yeras of diaries the economist 1843-1990 - has happened when a founder of a solution people need has deigned a positive cash flow model round the purpose of maximising peoples affordable access. So if not for profits are about systems that fail to help communities entrepreneurially start up positive cash flow models to resolve communities sdg needs I am unsure what the purpose is. | WHITES WRONGS -even if you are a daispora sct- the curse of being a white european (less than one eight of the human race) is we did slave trade, genocide across the new world as well as gun fights in which texas became the operating system of the usa (oil power, enough gun power to force mexicans to sell the west coast) even as dc apparently mediated over laws, colonisation -britannia having first access to engines but being repelled by usa doubled up under the worst corporation the world has ever seen colo0nising south asia and closing china to world trade for over a century as the chinese sensibly declined to accept opium as a currency- the consequ7nece of the human wrongs was world war 2 - the un was birthed around 3 challenges - seeing the advanced economies kick start; outlasting stalin -sadly one od the 2 maddest men to rule would win world war 2 as they were on opposite sides; helping the 75% of people that white empires had left out of access to engineering as they grew their places (with independence); depending how you look at history 1945-1989 - human development did some amazingly positive things to the death of jf kennedy; it stopped doing anything but outlast the cold war; from the early 1980s as it was clear ussr was not sustainable soros did the decent thing of trying to help gorbachev and when he lost inside russia started the open society foundation with him and backed parallel networks situated on the boundary between rome and the vatican- particularly gorbachev chairing of the nobel peace laureate summit which shared the same secretariat as the green club of rome | I am aware that soros and jim kim and paul farmer found each other at start of 21st century; this was very good because between them bush's only totally positive impact emerged : global fund - by clarifying overlapping needs in fighting tb and aids global progress was made in combatting both of these diseases - the very best of this progress was wherever kim-farmer-soros also found brilliant bottom up health service networks; in many ways these continued what unicef's james grant had done; when they all found sir fazle abed (bangladesh woemn empowerment) as did bill gates this was one of the great leaps forward for humanity; peculiarly soros had also hugely helped bangladesh around 1995 though i have never seen his foundation take full credit for being first to invest in mobile ends poverty (help needed to understand)... | .I was at argubalky sors' hapiest moment reurning to his ciry of birth 2012- celebarting sir fazle abed as 20th open society laureate; paul farmer gace a side lecture; ceu university looked lik e a becaon for freedom - within a year of two budapest was flooded by refugees; the government5 turned right and against soros; eu joined in making it impossible for the university to keep its students both safe and free of speech - requiring a move to vienna whcich has ben slowed down by covid | Can anyone help me i understand soros first foundation intervention supported south african black youth end apartheid ; clearly that was on the correct side of history; as far as I know soros only claims a small part of that but it convinced him he could do good; |
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